Custom Made Garage Doors dominate
the market in architectural doors

Repair & Maintenance
To keep your garage door operating well, it is important that your door is serviced at least once a year and maintained by one of the experienced door technicians. Should you need repairs or have a technical issue, contact the team to arrange a time for a site visit and a quote as they will need to see the job concerned.
Call For Urgent Repairs
Phone 0800 661366 to contact your nearest door technician for support and advice or contact them online
Regular Maintenance of a garage door and hardware will prolong the life of your garage door system. Each door’s hardware needs regular servicing. See below common things that need doing.
Cedar Doors
Cedar Doors
It is recommended that each year you reseal your door with another coat of the product that you coated your door with. If you have your door coated in a different product and you are to looking at changing, please check that the two products don’t react. Please consult a technician before doing so.
Powdercoated or
Coloursteel Doors
Powder Coated or Coloursteel Doors
Washing of your colour steel or powder coated door at regular intervals will help remove any build up of contaminates from the atmosphere ie dust and dirt. Be extremely careful not to scratch the surface with any abrasive product such as brushes of any kind or fabric that has course fibres. The best suggestion is to gently hose down the door with cold water and leave it to dry naturally.
Tilting Hardware
Tilting Hardware
Oiling & greasing of each power arms bush and wheel bearings on tilt doors.
Sectional Hardware
Oiling wheel bearings and hinges.
WARNING: Don’t over -oil or spray, especially on timber doors; you may damage the doors surface.
Insurance Claims
Insurance Claims
So you have reversed into your garage door and have damaged the panels, Custom Made work directly with most insurance companies and can invoice them directly if you have approval. Please call for a quote, you just have to pay your excess at the time of the repair.
Custom Made recommends that you have your garage door serviced within the first 12 months and then serviced at least every 2 years to ensure your auto operates smoothly, quietly and safely. Contact Custom Made to arrange an onsite service or repair.
Regular servicing keeps the correct spring tension, tight nuts & bolts and the opener operating correctly for reliable daily running of your garage door.
Spare Parts
Below is a list of the wide range of spare parts we stock. PLEASE NOTE: Bring in a sample or measure the item and take a photo as there are various sizes available in each part.
The most common item to break with older tilt doors. It is sometimes better to replace both springs so you have an even pull on both sides of the door.
Flashings & Weather Strips
These are at the sides of each tilt door; the upper part is attached to the door and the lower part is attached to the opening.
Lock Wires & Crimps
These are the latch & release wires on the inside of a tilt door. They are now plastic coated wire and there are crimps that squeeze and hold them
Power Arms for Tilt Doors
These are the big arms on the sides of tilt doors that act like a hinge. These take a load of weight combined with the springs.
Locks & Latches
Various styles available.
These are all available in different lengths to suit various door sizes.
There are several sizes of wheels